
Guide to Reiki Symbols: Types, Meaning, Activation and Levels


Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Core Reiki Symbols
Understanding Reiki Symbol Meanings
Bringing Reiki Symbols to Life
Practical Uses of Reiki Symbols
Moving Up in Reiki


Reiki is a holistic healing practice that originated in Japan, primarily developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Its roots can be traced back to ancient healing traditions in India, Tibet, and China, where concepts of life force energy, known as “ki” in Japanese, “chi” in Chinese, and “prana” in Hinduism, have been recognized for millennia. Reiki practitioners believe that this universal life force flows through all living things and can be harnessed to promote healing and well-being.

Guide to Reiki Symbols: Types, Meaning, Activation and Levels
Guide to Reiki Symbols: Types, Meaning, Activation and Levels

Brief overview of Reiki and its origins

Dr. Mikao Usui, born in 1865, was a spiritual seeker who sought to understand the nature of healing and enlightenment. His pivotal moment came during a 21-day meditation retreat on Mount Kurama, where he experienced a profound spiritual awakening that enabled him to channel healing energy. Following this experience, Usui dedicated his life to teaching others how to access this energy for healing purposes. He founded the first Reiki clinic and school in Tokyo in 1922 and trained over 2,000 students before his death in 1926.

Reiki was introduced to the West by Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American woman who trained under Usui’s student, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. After experiencing significant health improvements through Reiki treatments, she established clinics in Hawaii in the late 1930s and began teaching Reiki to others. Takata’s adaptations of Usui’s teachings helped popularize Reiki across North America and beyond.

Importance of symbols in Reiki practice

Symbols play a crucial role in Reiki practice as they are believed to enhance the practitioner’s ability to channel energy effectively. Each symbol represents specific aspects of healing and is used at various levels of training within the Reiki system. The most commonly used symbols include:

  • Cho Ku Rei: The power symbol for grounding and focusing energy.
  • Sei He Ki: The mental/emotional symbol used for healing emotional issues.
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: The distance symbol that allows practitioners to send healing energy across time and space.

These symbols are activated through specific hand positions or visualizations during sessions, enabling practitioners to tap into different frequencies of energy for various healing purposes.


Understanding the Core Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are integral to the practice of Reiki, enhancing the practitioner’s ability to channel healing energy. Each symbol has its unique purpose and significance, contributing to the overall effectiveness of Reiki healing. Here, we explore five core symbols: Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Dai Ko Myo, and Raku.

Cho Ku Rei: The Power Symbol

Cho Ku Rei, often referred to as the “Power Symbol,” serves as a focal point for amplifying and directing energy during a Reiki session. Its name translates to “placing all the power of the universe here, now,” symbolizing its role in enhancing the flow of universal energy. The symbol can be visualized as a light switch that activates and intensifies energy transfer.

Practitioners commonly use Cho Ku Rei at the beginning of a session to boost energy levels or when addressing specific areas of concern. It can also be employed in daily life to cleanse spaces and objects of negative energy or to enhance relationships by drawing the symbol on business cards or during important conversations.

Sei He Ki: The Harmony Symbol

Sei He Ki is known as the “Harmony Symbol,” primarily used for emotional healing and balancing mental states. It helps practitioners address emotional issues by promoting harmony within oneself and between individuals. By channeling this symbol, practitioners can facilitate emotional release and foster a sense of peace and balance, making it particularly useful in therapeutic settings.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: The Distance Healing Symbol

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the “Distance Healing Symbol,” allowing Reiki practitioners to send healing energy across time and space. This symbol is particularly significant for those who wish to perform distant healing sessions or work with clients who are not physically present. By invoking this symbol, practitioners can connect with individuals emotionally or spiritually, regardless of their location.

Dai Ko Myo: The Master Symbol

Dai Ko Myo, often called the “Master Symbol,” holds great significance in Reiki practice. It represents spiritual enlightenment and empowerment, acting as a bridge between the practitioner and divine consciousness. This symbol is typically reserved for advanced practitioners and is believed to enhance the effectiveness of other symbols used in conjunction with it.

Dai Ko Myo is associated with deep healing on multiple levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual—and practitioners often use it to strengthen their connection with universal life force energy during sessions.

Raku: The Completion Symbol

Raku is known as the “Completion Symbol” in Reiki practice. It signifies the end of a healing session and helps ground both the practitioner and recipient after energy work has been completed. Drawing this symbol allows practitioners to seal in the healing energy and ensure that it integrates fully into the recipient’s being.


Understanding Reiki Symbol Meanings

Reiki symbols are essential tools in the practice of Reiki, each serving a unique purpose and enhancing the practitioner’s ability to channel healing energy. Understanding these symbols involves exploring their meanings, how they enhance healing, and their cultural and spiritual significance.

The Purpose Behind Each Symbol

Each Reiki symbol is designed to facilitate specific types of healing and energy work:

  • Cho Ku Rei (Power Symbol): This symbol amplifies the flow of Reiki energy and is often used at the beginning of a session to enhance the practitioner’s connection to universal life force energy. It acts like a switch that can increase or decrease energy flow depending on how it is drawn.
  • Sei He Ki (Harmony Symbol): This symbol focuses on mental and emotional healing, promoting balance and purification. It is particularly effective for addressing emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, and addiction, helping to harmonize the mind and spirit.
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance Healing Symbol): This symbol allows practitioners to send Reiki energy across time and space. It is used for distant healing, enabling practitioners to connect with individuals not physically present, as well as to heal past traumas or send positive energy into future situations.
  • Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol): The Master Symbol signifies spiritual enlightenment and empowerment. It is used by advanced practitioners to access higher levels of Reiki energy and is integral for attunements. This symbol connects practitioners with divine consciousness.
  • Raku (Completion Symbol): Raku is used at the end of a session to ground and seal in the healing energy. It helps both the practitioner and the recipient absorb the benefits of the treatment while creating a clear separation between them.

How Symbols Enhance Healing Energy

Reiki symbols enhance healing by acting as focal points for intention and energy direction. When practitioners visualize or draw these symbols during sessions, they can significantly amplify the effectiveness of their healing work. The use of symbols helps direct specific energies toward particular issues, allowing for more targeted and effective treatments.

The activation of these symbols can occur through visualization, vocalization, or drawing them in the air or on the recipient’s body. This process engages both the conscious and subconscious mind, facilitating a deeper connection with the universal life force energy that flows through all living beings.

Cultural and Spiritual Significance

The cultural roots of Reiki symbols are deeply embedded in Japanese spirituality. Each symbol embodies specific energies that practitioners believe connect them with higher realms of consciousness. The use of these sacred symbols reflects respect for their power and significance in facilitating healing.

In addition to their practical applications in healing, these symbols serve as reminders of the practitioner’s spiritual journey. They symbolize the connection between mind, body, spirit, and the universe, reinforcing the idea that healing involves not just physical well-being but also emotional and spiritual growth


Bringing Reiki Symbols to Life

Reiki symbols are powerful tools that can enhance the healing process when used with intention and focus. By connecting the mind and body, visualizing the symbols, and incorporating mantras, practitioners can unlock the full potential of these sacred emblems. Let’s explore how to bring Reiki symbols to life in your practice.

Connecting Mind and Body

The effectiveness of Reiki symbols lies in their ability to bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious mind. When a practitioner visualizes or draws a symbol, they are engaging both the logical, analytical left brain and the intuitive, creative right brain. This holistic approach allows the mind to fully embrace the energy and intention behind the symbol, making the healing process more profound and impactful.

Visualization for Symbol Empowerment

Visualization is a powerful technique for activating and empowering Reiki symbols. By picturing the symbol in vivid detail, either in the mind’s eye or drawn in the air, practitioners can direct the flow of energy and amplify its effects. Some effective visualization techniques include:

  • Seeing the symbol light up or glow with energy
  • Imagining the symbol expanding and filling the space with healing light
  • Visualizing the symbol as a portal through which Reiki energy flows
  • Picturing the symbol as a protective shield or barrier against negative energy

The more vividly and consistently a practitioner visualizes the symbols, the stronger their connection and the more potent the healing energy becomes.

 The Role of Mantras and Intention

Mantras, or sacred words or phrases, can be used in conjunction with Reiki symbols to amplify their power. By chanting or silently repeating the name of a symbol while visualizing it, practitioners can deepen their focus and intention. This combination of sound, sight, and intention creates a powerful synergy that enhances the healing process.

Intention is the foundation upon which Reiki symbols are built. Without a clear and focused intention, the symbols lose their potency. Before using a symbol, practitioners should take a moment to set their intention, whether it’s for healing, protection, or spiritual growth. This intention acts as a guiding force, directing the energy of the symbol towards the desired outcome.

By connecting the mind and body, visualizing the symbols, and incorporating mantras and intention, practitioners can unlock the full potential of Reiki symbols. These sacred tools become a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, allowing practitioners to channel healing energy with greater focus and effectiveness.


Practical Uses of Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols can be applied in various practical ways to enhance healing, create positive energy, and infuse objects with Reiki. Here are some techniques to incorporate Reiki symbols into your daily life:

Body Application Techniques

Reiki symbols can be used directly on the body to promote healing and balance. Here are a few ways to apply them:

  • Draw symbols on the body’s chakras to clear blockages and align the energy centers. For example, draw Cho Ku Rei on the root chakra to ground and energize.
  • Visualize symbols over areas of pain or illness to direct healing energy. Sei He Ki is particularly useful for emotional healing when visualized over the heart chakra.
  • Trace symbols along the body’s meridians to unblock stagnant energy. Start at the extremities and work towards the center of the body.
  • Place symbols on the body during self-treatment or when working on others. Cho Ku Rei can be used to amplify the Reiki flow.

Creating Energetic Spaces

Reiki symbols can be used to cleanse, protect, and imbue spaces with positive energy. Try these techniques:

  • Draw symbols on the walls, floors, and ceilings of a room to clear stagnant energy and create a sacred space. Cho Ku Rei is excellent for this.
  • Visualize symbols in each corner of a room to establish a protective barrier. Imagine them glowing brightly.
  • Infuse symbols into objects like crystals or candles to create Reiki-charged tools for meditation and healing. Charge them by placing your hands on the object while visualizing the symbol.
  • Carry symbols with you by drawing them on your skin or clothing. This creates a portable energetic shield.

Infusing Objects with Reiki Energy

Reiki symbols can be used to imbue objects with healing energy. Here are some ideas:

  • Charge water with Reiki by drawing symbols over a glass or bottle. Drink the water to hydrate on an energetic level.
  • Infuse food with healing energy by visualizing symbols over meals before eating. This can be done at restaurants or when cooking.
  • Create Reiki-infused oils by placing a few drops of essential oil in your palms, drawing symbols, and allowing the energy to saturate the oil. Use for massage or anointing.
  • Charge jewelry or other personal items by holding them in your hands, drawing symbols, and visualizing the object glowing with Reiki light. Wear or carry the items to stay connected to the energy.

By incorporating Reiki symbols into your daily life through body application, space clearing, and object infusion, you can create a powerful energetic foundation for healing and well-being. Experiment with different techniques to discover what resonates most with you.


Moving Up in Reiki

Advancing in Reiki involves understanding the different levels of training, learning advanced methods, and growing through consistent practice. Each level offers unique insights and skills that contribute to personal and spiritual development.

Reiki Levels Explained

Reiki training is typically divided into three main levels, each with its own focus and purpose:

  1. Reiki Level 1 (Shoden): This is the introductory level where students learn the basics of Reiki, including self-healing techniques and the foundational principles of the practice. Attunements at this level align students with Reiki energy, allowing them to channel it effectively. The focus is primarily on personal healing and understanding how to use hands-on techniques to promote well-being for oneself and others.
  2. Reiki Level 2 (Okuden): At this intermediate level, practitioners learn to use symbols that enhance their ability to channel energy. This includes techniques for distant healing, allowing practitioners to send Reiki energy across time and space. Level 2 also involves deeper emotional healing and the application of advanced methods learned through additional attunements.
  3. Reiki Level 3 (Shinpiden) or Master Level: This advanced level is often split into two parts: becoming a Reiki Master and learning to teach others. At this stage, practitioners receive the Master symbol and are trained in the attunement process for new students. This level emphasizes personal growth, deepening one’s understanding of Reiki energy, and developing teaching skills

Learning Advanced Methods

As practitioners advance through the levels of Reiki, they gain access to more sophisticated techniques and methods:

  • Distant Healing: Practitioners learn how to send Reiki energy to individuals who are not physically present, using specific symbols to facilitate this connection.
  • Working with Symbols: Each symbol has a unique purpose that enhances the practitioner’s ability to channel energy effectively. Mastering these symbols allows for more targeted healing approaches.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Advanced practitioners often engage in deeper meditation practices that enhance their intuitive abilities and connection to universal energy.
  • Teaching Others: At the Master level, practitioners learn how to guide others in their Reiki journey, sharing knowledge and facilitating attunements for new students

Growing Through Reiki Practice

Continuous practice is essential for growth in Reiki. Here are some ways practitioners can deepen their experience:

  • Regular Self-Treatment: Practicing self-Reiki helps maintain balance and enhances personal growth. It allows practitioners to address their own emotional and physical needs regularly.
  • Meditation: Incorporating meditation into daily practice fosters a deeper connection with the universal life force energy and enhances intuitive abilities.
  • Community Engagement: Joining a community of Reiki practitioners can provide support, encouragement, and opportunities for shared learning experiences.
  • Ongoing Education: Attending workshops, retreats, or advanced training sessions can help practitioners stay updated on new techniques and deepen their understanding of Reiki principles.

Read More: 7 Chakras: Meaning, Healing, Activation

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Can we do Reiki every day?


Yes, you can practice Reiki every day. Daily Reiki sessions help balance energy, promote relaxation, and enhance emotional and physical well-being. Regular practice can also deepen your connection to the energy flow.

Do you talk during Reiki?


Typically, Reiki sessions are quiet to create a calm and meditative environment. However, light communication can occur if the practitioner needs to explain something or if the client feels the need to speak, but it is generally kept to a minimum to maintain focus on the healing process.

How do you know Reiki is working?


You may feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or gentle pressure where energy is being channeled. Emotionally, you might feel a sense of peace, calmness, or release of tension. Results can also manifest as improvements in mood, sleep, or a reduction in physical symptoms over time. However, subtle changes often indicate that Reiki is working, even if not immediately noticeable.