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Remedies for Child Birth in Vedic Astrology with LifeGuru

In Vedic astrology, childbirth is seen as a very significant event. It's believed that the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a child's birth can have a big impact on their life. Astrology suggests that these cosmic forces can influence not only when a child is born but also aspects of their personality and future. For example, certain planetary positions are thought to be favorable for childbirth, while others might indicate challenges. This is why many people turn to Vedic astrology for guidance on how to improve their chances of having a child or to understand the astrological factors that might be influencing their journey to parenthood.

Significance of Childbirth in Astrology

Childbirth is a significant event that brings immense joy and happiness to a family. In astrology, childbirth is also considered an essential aspect that impacts the lives of both parents and the child. According to astrological beliefs, planetary positions, and transits during childbirth, influence the characteristics and fate of the child.

Astrology believes that the exact moment of childbirth is determined by the position of planets and their influences on the mother and child. The study of astrology can predict the possible outcomes of childbirth, identify the potential risks, and provide remedies to reduce the negative impact.

8 Remedies for Child Birth

Japa or Chanting of Mantras: Chanting mantras can help reduce the negative effects of planetary positions during childbirth. One can chant mantras like Garbharaksha Stotram, Santana Gopala Mantra, or Devaki Putra Mantra to increase the chances of safe and successful childbirth.

Pooja of Deities: Performing a pooja or prayers to deities can help reduce the negative effects of planetary positions. Performing pooja of Lord Ganesha, Lord Jupiter, or Devi Santoshi can help bring blessings for a safe and successful delivery.

Offering Charity: Offering charity can help reduce the negative effects of planetary positions. One can donate food, clothes, or money to the underprivileged or offer service to a temple or a healthcare organization.

Worshiping Yantra: Yantras or geometric shapes can represent different energies of deities and planets. It can help to mitigate the negative impacts of planetary positions. Worshipping a Karya Siddhi Yantra, Garbha Raksha Yantra, or Matsya Yantra can bring blessings for a safe and healthy delivery.

Wearing Gemstones: Wearing gemstones can reduce the negative impact of planetary positions. One can wear gemstones like Coral, Moonstone, or Yellow Sapphire, depending on the birth chart's planetary positions.

Vedic Fasting: Vedic fasting is an effective way to reduce the negative effects of planetary positions. It helps to purify the body and mind, increasing the chances of safe and successful delivery. One can follow specific fasting procedures like Ekadashi fasting, Sankashti Chaturthi fasting, or Navratri fasting as a remedy.

Performing Remedial Poojas: Consulting an astrologer and performing remedial poojas can help reduce the negative effects of planetary positions. Poojas like Garbha Raksha Pooja, Santana Gopala Pooja, or Santoshi Mata Pooja can help bring blessings for a safe and successful delivery.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial during pregnancy and childbirth. Negative thoughts and emotions can increase the negative impact of planetary positions on health and delivery. Practicing meditation, yoga, and maintaining positive thoughts can help achieve a safe and successful childbirth.

Poojas, Rituals, Mantras, Fasts for Childbirth

Performing poojas, chanting mantras, and observing fasting practices can help reduce the negative impact of planetary positions on childbirth. It is essential to consult an astrologer and seek their guidance before performing any remedies or rituals. Maintaining a positive attitude, practicing meditation and yoga, and following a healthy lifestyle can help ensure a healthy and safe delivery.

Garbha Raksha Pooja: Garbha Raksha Pooja is a powerful pooja performed to ensure a safe and healthy delivery of the mother and child. It involves invoking the blessings of deities and performing a havan or fire ritual. Offering prayers and chanting mantras like Garbha Raksha Stotram can help reduce the negative impact of planetary positions.

Santana Gopala Pooja: Santana Gopala Pooja is a pooja performed to seek the blessings of Lord Krishna for a successful and healthy childbirth. It involves offering prayers and chants that invoke the blessings of Lord Krishna for a safe and healthy delivery.

Santoshi Mata Pooja: Santoshi Mata Pooja is a powerful pooja that invokes the blessings of Goddess Santoshi for a successful delivery. It involves fasting and performing puja rituals, singing bhajans, and offering food and sweets to the deity.

Navagraha Pooja: Navagraha Pooja invokes the blessings of the nine planets to resolve planetary doshas during childbirth. It involves performing various rituals and offering prayers and offerings to the Navagraha or nine planets.

Ekadashi Fasting: Ekadashi fasting is a Vedic fasting practice observed on the 11th day of the lunar cycle. It helps purify the body and mind, bring positive energy, and reduce the negative impact of planetary positions on childbirth.

Sankashti Chaturthi Fasting: Sankashti Chaturthi fasting is a Vedic fasting practice observed on the fourth day of the lunar month. It helps fulfill desires, remove obstacles, and bring blessings for a safe and healthy childbirth.

Navratri Fasting: Navratri fasting is a nine-day fasting practice celebrated twice a year. It involves worshiping Goddess Durga and her nine forms, representing the different elements of nature. The fasting helps purify the body and mind and brings blessings for a safe and healthy childbirth.

Chat With Astrologer to know more about your Child's Birth

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