How Many Guna Matching is needed for a Successful Marriage? A Comprehensive Guide

The Importance of Guna Matching in Marriage
Indian Hindu marriages traditionally rely on Vedic astrology during the process of matchmaking. In Vedic Astrology, Guna matching or kundli matching is a crucial step in checking the compatibility between prospective bride and groom. In this process, an astrologer assesses how the energies match or complement each other. Guna matching is mostly done based on the Ashtakoota system.
What Are Gunas?
Gunas refers to the various aspects or qualities of an individual, which are compared with potential matches and checked for compatibility during matchmaking. In Vedic astrology, there are 36 Gunas, all categorized into 8 Kootas or Astakootas, that are matched to check for compatibility.
How Many Gunas Should Match for a Successful Marriage?
Minimum Number of Gunas Required for Compatibility
Guna matching is crucial for different reasons like Compatibility, Longevity, Health, Emotional Stability, and more. The total score ranges from 0 to 36. For matchmaking to be considered acceptable, 18 Gunas should match between the prospective couple. This is the minimum requirement to approve a marriage, according to Vedic astrology.
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Optimal Guna Match for a Harmonious Marriage
For a harmonious match, a score of 18 and above is advised. The higher the score, the greater the compatibility of the couple. A score of 24-32 Gunas is said to be very auspicious and is recommended. There can be chances of getting a 36/36 score with all Gunas compatible. This is considered extremely auspicious and rare.
Some points to be noted are:
A minimum number of 18 Gunas should match for a marriage to be considered.
A score between 15-16 indicates incompatibility and may not be advised by astrologers.
A score between 18 and 24 gunas is considered fair, but the couple will need some effort and understanding to have a prosperous marriage.
A score of 24-32 is considered very good and it indicates a successful, happy, and prosperous marriage.
A complete score of 36 is also seen, but rare, which indicates the best compatibility.
Achieving a higher score indicates higher chances for a successful and harmonious marriage. Some benefits of Having a higher Huna match are as follows:
High compatibility: a Guna matching score of 24-32 indicates good compatibility, intimacy, and great understanding among the couple. The compatibility can be in various aspects like emotional, mental, physical, spiritual compatibility, etc.
Strong relationship: A higher compatibility indicates fewer conflicts, misunderstandings, and clashes. This indicates that the couple will have good communication, and will be able to resolve issues amicably. This also assures that the foundation of the relationship is strong.
Healthy Children: A higher Guna match is believed to bless the couple with healthy and fortunate children. With parents that have good compatibility, the children are surrounded by positivity, and peace, resulting in children who have good health and overall well-being.
More chances of Happiness: A high Guna match indicates a happy, prosperous, and fulfilling marriage. Couples with a score higher than 24 are more likely to experience joy, and contentment in their relationship.
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Marriage Matching Points Explained
Detailed Breakdown of Guna Matching Points and what each of them represents
Gunas are also known as Marriage match points and are crucial in Vedic Astrology. In matchmaking, the kundali or birth charts of the prospective bride and groom are compared and assessed for their compatibility.
The 36 Gunas are further divided into 8 categories:
Varna(1 point): This represents spiritual and mental compatibility between the couple. It assesses the ego and mental compatibility between the couple. To consider it a match, the groom’s varna is to be a point higher than the bride’s.
Vashya(2 points): This represents the attraction, dominance, and power the couple has over each other. The score is based on the classification of signs into humans, animals (small, wild, waterborne), insects, etc. When both partners have the same Vasya, the score is 2, if they belong to opposite Vasya, the score is 0, and for the rest of the cases, the score is 1.
Tara (3 points): Indicates the well-being and health of the couple. The score is obtained by counting the star of the bride from that of the groom and dividing it by 9. Scoring is based on the reminder, if the reminder is even for both, the score is 3, if one of them is odd, the score is 1.5 and if both are odd, the score is 0.
Yoni (4 points): Yoni addresses the physical and sexual compatibility between partners. The scoring is done based on the birth nakshatra animal of the bride and groom. If the couple has the same birth nakshatra animal, the score is 4.
Graha Maytri(5 points): Graha Maytri indicates the emotional and intellectual compatibility between the couple. The score is allocated based on how the lords of the moon signs match with each other.
Gana(6 points): Gana determines the nature of the individuals. There are 3 Ganas: Deva(Divine) are characterized by their simple and witty nature, Manushya(Human) is said to be gentle and tender, and Asura(Demon), is stubborn and tempered.
Bhakoot(7 points): This indicates the financial prosperity and harmony of the relationship. If the bride and groom have the same signs or different zodiac signs with the same ruling planet, then the match is said to be a preferable one.
Nadi(8 points): Nadi indicates genetic compatibility and health of the children. There are 3 nadis: Aadi nadi (Vaata element), Madhya nadi (Pitta element), and Antya Nadi (Kapha element). Same Nadis do not get any points.
All the above 8 kootas make a total of 36 points or 36 Gunas.
Guna | Points | Description |
Nadi | 8 | Indicates health and genetic compatibility. Individuals of the same Nadi should not marry as it can lead to health issues in children. |
Bhakoot | 7 | Measures financial prosperity and harmony. The highest score of 7 is given when the couple belongs to the same sign or different signs ruled by the same planet. |
Gana | 6 | Evaluate temperament and nature. Individuals are classified into Deva (divine), Manav (human), and Rakshasa (demonic) Ganas. Matching Ganas is ideal. |
Graha Maitri | 5 | Assesses mental and emotional compatibility based on the friendship between the ruling planets of the couple’s moon signs. |
Yoni | 4 | Reflects sexual and physical compatibility. The highest score of 4 is given when the birth star animals of the couple are the same. |
Tara | 3 | Indicates the health and longevity of the marriage. Points are assigned based on the compatibility of the couple’s birth stars. |
Vashya | 2 | Measures mutual attraction and power equation. Couples with the same Vashya get 2 points, while opposite Vashyas get 0. |
Varna | 1 | Represents spiritual and mental compatibility. The groom’s Varna should be at least one point higher than the bride’s |
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Guna Matching by Name and Birth Chart
How to Perform Guna Matching by Name
Kundali matching by name involves guna matching with the names of the individuals involved. Using this technique, the compatibility of the bride and groom is determined by comparing the sound vibrations of their names. The steps involved are as follows:
Analysis of Names: The sound vibrations associated with the names of the bride and groom are identified. In order to accomplish this, the names are translated into the appropriate numerical values using the Vedic method.
Guna Calculation: The Gunas are then computed using the numeric values. The eight factors that determine compatibility are called Gunas, and they are Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi.
Report Generation: Following the Guna matching, a report is produced. This report sheds light on the couple’s compatibility as well as any possible problems in their relationship.
Interpretation: An astrologer then interprets the report to offer a thorough evaluation of the couple’s compatibility. This covers their relationship’s strengths and weaknesses as well as remedies to increase their compatibility.
Complete Kundali matching takes into consideration every relevant criteria, whereas Kundali matching by name is a simplified method that ignores some of them. Nevertheless, it can still offer insightful information about the pair’s compatibility and support them in making wise decisions regarding their relationship.
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Steps for Guna Matching Using Birth Charts
Step 1: Gather Birth Information: Gather the boy’s and girl’s birth information, such as the place, date, and hour of birth.
Step 2: Prepare Kundli: Using the birth information, create the prospective groom and bride’s Kundlis (birth charts).
Step 3:Calculate gunas. Determine the boy’s and girl’s Gunas based on their Kundli. this is based on the positions of the planets in their birth charts.
Step 4: Gunas Matching: To find out if the boy and girl are compatible, compare their Gunas. The following factors are used to match the Gunas:
Varna: Ego levels and spiritual compatibility
Vasya: Power dynamics and mutual attraction
Tara: Compatibility with birth stars
Yoni: sexual Compatibility
Rasyadhipati: intellectual compatibility
Gana: Compatibility in behavior and temperament
Bhakoot: care and affection
Nadi: Genetic compatibility and well-being
Step 5: Determine Your Total Gunas
Add the points from each parameter to determine the total Gunas for the boy and girl.
Step 6: Establish Mutual Consistency
Based on the total Gunas, ascertain the couple’s compatibility. A greater compatibility score denotes higher compatibility.
Step 7: Interpretation
Analyze the outcomes to gain an understanding of the couple’s compatibility. This covers the positives and negatives of their partnership as well as possible fixes to increase their compatibility.
Step 8: Speak with an Astrologer
See an Astrologer: Speak with an astrologer to better understand the outcomes and to obtain personalized recommendations for the couple.
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How to Perform Gun Matching by Name
To perform a Guna matching, the astrologer first obtains the full names of the prospective bride and groom. Then the names are converted to corresponding numerical values, by assigning each letter a number and each name gets a single digit.
The Astrologer then determines Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maytri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi based on the number derived from the names, points assigned. The scores are then added up and interpreted.
If the score is less than 18 points: Not approved for Marriage
18-24 points: Acceptable Match
24-32 points: Very good / Ideal Match
32-36 point: Excellent Match
Apart from Guna matching, other factors like Manglik Dosha, and Kundli matching are also considered.
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Guna matching is a crucial aspect of matchmaking according to Vedic astrology. There are 36 Gunas, which are used to assess compatibility between prospective bride and groom. For a marriage to be approved, it should have a minimum match of 18 Gunas.
It is important to note that, Guna matching is not the only factor for matchmaking. Other factors like Doshas, Manglik, and Kundli matching are all done to assess compatibility. Above all these, the mutual understanding and compatibility of the couple is most important in the marriage. One great example is that of Lord Ram and Goddess Sita. Although they had a perfect score of 36, they still faced a lot of hardships, even separation. The success of marriage ultimately depends on the couple’s love for each other, their understanding nature, patience, ability to work things out, good communication, and being there for each other.
The LifeGuru team is ready to help you through any issues or questions and is only a call away. We offer services for Horoscopes, Kundli Matching, Marriage Predictions, Numerology, Compatibility, and more with Accurate predictions. We also have Expert Relationship Astrologers who can help with any queries related to marriage or relationships. Our Team is always Happy to Assist You in any way possible. You may reach out to us here.
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