Auspicious marriage dates in 2025 Hindu Panchang for Marriage
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Marriage Dates Calendar for 2025
Dates to be Avoided in 2025 to get married

Matrimony is a sacred bond that joins two people, their families, and their futures together. In Hindu culture, astrological practices and beliefs have an enormous impact on the success of marriages. Selecting an auspicious date, or Subh Muhurat, is one of the most significant aspects of planning a Hindu wedding. To identify these dates, the Hindu Panchang is carefully reviewed to make sure the heavenly alignments support a peaceful and happy union.
The Hindu Panchang lists a number of days in 2025 as auspicious for marriage. These dates are selected by taking into account a number of astrological variables, such as the moon’s positions, the existence of particular Nakshatras (lunar constellations), and the timing of particular Tithis (lunar days).
In this blog, we will see the most auspicious dates for marriage in 2025.
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Marriage Dates Calendar for 2025
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
January 13 | 07:15 – 18:45 | Uttarashada | Tritiya |
January 16 | 06:45 – 20:30 | Shravana | Shashthi |
January 20 | 09:30 – 22:15 | Uttara Bhadrapada | Dashami |
January 22 | 10:00 – 23:00 | Revati | Dwadashi |
January 23 | 07:00 – 18:00 | Ashwini | Trayodashi |
January 29 | 06:45 – 19:30 | Mrigashirsha | Dashami |
January 30 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Ardra | Ekadashi |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
February 6 | 08:30 – 21:15 | Purva Phalguni | Ashtami |
February 12 | 10:00 – 22:30 | Anuradha | Trayodashi |
February 13 | 09:45 – 20:45 | Jyeshtha | Chaturdashi |
February 20 | 06:50 – 18:30 | Uttara Ashadha | Saptami |
February 23 | 07:30 – 19:00 | Shravana | Dashami |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
March 3 | 10:00 – 22:30 | Purva Bhadrapada | Dwitiya |
March 4 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Uttara Bhadrapada | Tritiya |
March 6 | 07:30 – 19:00 | Revati | Panchami |
March 10 | 08:45 – 20:30 | Rohini | Navami |
March 12 | 10:00 – 22:00 | Mrigashirsha | Ekadashi |
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Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
April 21 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Purva Phalguni | Ekadashi |
April 23 | 07:45 – 19:30 | Uttara Phalguni | Trayodashi |
April 28 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Swati | Panchami |
April 30 | 09:45 – 22:00 | Anuradha | Saptami |
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Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
May 5 | 08:00 – 20:00 | Shravana | Dashami |
May 7 | 09:30 – 21:30 | Dhanishta | Ekadashi |
May 8 | 07:45 – 19:45 | Shatabhisha | Dwitiya |
May 15 | 10:15 – 22:45 | Rohini | Panchami |
May 19 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Ardra | Ashtami |
May 21 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Punarvasu | Dashami |
May 28 | 09:45 – 22:00 | Purva Phalguni | Ekadashi |
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Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
June 2 | 07:15 – 18:45 | Swati | Trayodashi |
June 4 | 10:00 – 22:30 | Anuradha | Chaturdashi |
June 5 | 09:30 – 21:30 | Jyeshtha | Purnima |
June 11 | 08:00 – 20:00 | Shravana | Saptami |
June 16 | 07:45 – 19:45 | Purva Bhadrapada | Ekadashi |
June 18 | 09:15 – 21:15 | Revati | Trayodashi |
June 25 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Mrigashirsha | Panchami |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
July 2 | 10:15 – 22:15 | Uttara Ashadha | Ashtami |
July 7 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Purva Bhadrapada | Dwitiya |
July 9 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Revati | Tritiya |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
August 1 | 07:30 – 19:00 | Mrigashirsha | Panchami |
August 4 | 09:45 – 22:00 | Ardra | Ashtami |
August 6 | 10:00 – 22:00 | Punarvasu | Dashami |
August 18 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Purva Phalguni | Ekadashi |
August 20 | 08:45 – 20:45 | Uttara Phalguni | Trayodashi |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
September 1 | 07:30 – 19:30 | Swati | Panchami |
September 3 | 10:00 – 22:00 | Anuradha | Saptami |
September 4 | 09:15 – 21:00 | Jyeshtha | Ashtami |
September 8 | 08:00 – 20:00 | Shravana | Dashami |
September 10 | 09:30 – 21:30 | Dhanishta | Ekadashi |
September 11 | 10:15 – 22:15 | Shatabhisha | Trayodashi |
September 17 | 07:45 – 19:45 | Rohini | Panchami |
September 22 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Ardra | Ashtami |
September 24 | 09:45 – 22:00 | Punarvasu | Dashami |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
October 1 | 10:00 – 22:00 | Uttara Ashadha | Saptami |
October 6 | 08:00 – 20:00 | Purva Bhadrapada | Dwitiya |
October 8 | 07:45 – 19:45 | Revati | Tritiya |
October 13 | 09:30 – 21:30 | Mrigashirsha | Panchami |
October 15 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Ardra | Ashtami |
October 20 | 09:15 – 21:15 | Purva Phalguni | Ekadashi |
October 22 | 07:45 – 19:45 | Uttara Phalguni | Trayodashi |
October 29 | 09:45 – 22:00 | Swati | Panchami |
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
November 3 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Anuradha | Saptami |
November 5 | 10:00 – 22:30 | Jyeshtha | Ashtami |
November 6 | 07:30 – 19:30 | Shravana | Dashami |
November 12 | 08:45 – 20:45 | Dhanishta | Ekadashi |
November 13 | 09:30 – 21:30 | Shatabhisha | Dwitiya |
November 17 | 07:15 – 18:45 | Rohini | Panchami |
November 19 | 10:00 – 22:00 | Ardra | Ashtami |
November 24 | 09:15 – 21:15 | Purva Phalguni | Dashami |
November 26 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Uttara Phalguni | Ekadashi |
Read More: Guna Matching for a Successful Marriage
Date | Timing | Nakshatra | Subh Tithi |
December 1 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Swati | Trayodashi |
December 3 | 08:45 – 20:45 | Anuradha | Chaturdashi |
December 8 | 07:30 – 19:30 | Shravana | Saptami |
December 10 | 09:00 – 21:00 | Dhanishta | Ekadashi |
December 11 | 09:45 – 22:00 | Shatabhisha | Dwitiya |
December 15 | 08:00 – 20:00 | Rohini | Panchami |
December 17 | 09:30 – 21:30 | Ardra | Ashtami |
December 22 | 08:30 – 20:30 | Purva Phalguni | Dashami |
December 24 | 10:00 – 22:00 | Uttara Phalguni | Ekadashi |
December 31 | 08:00 – 20:00 | Swati | Trayodashi |
Dates to be Avoided in 2025 to get married
January 2025: January 1 to January 10, 17, 24, 31
February 2025: February 1 to February 5, 7 to February 11, 14 to February 19, 21 to February 22, 24 to February 28.
March 2025: March 1 to March 2, 5, 7 to March 9, 11, 13 to March 31.
April 2025: April 1 to April 20, 22, 24 to April 27, 29.
May 2025: May 1 to May 4, 6, 9 to May 14, 16 to May 18, 20, 22 to May 27, 29 to May 31.
June 2025: June 1, 3, 6 to June 10, 12 to June 15, 17, 19 to June 24, 26 to June 30.
July 2025: July 1, 3 to July 6, 8, 10 to July 31.
August 2025: August 2 to August 3, 5, 7 to August 17, 19, 21 to August 31.
September 2025: September 2, 5 to September 7, 9, 12 to September 16, 18 to September 21, 23, 25 to September 30.
October 2025: October 2 to October 5, 7, 9 to October 12, 14 to October 19, 21, 23 to October 28, 30 to October 31.
November 2025: November 1 to November 2, 4, 7 to November 11, 14 to November 16, 18, 20 to November 23, 25, 27 to November 30.
December 2025: December 2, 4 to December 7, 9, 12 to December 14, 16, 18 to December 21, 23, 25 to December 30.
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In 2025, the Hindu Panchang lists a number of days that are inauspicious for marriage. These dates ought to be avoided while planning a wedding.
For example, there are numerous long periods in January, February, March, and April when marriage is not recommended. It is usually advisable to get assistance from a local priest or astrologer to ensure accurate and personalized guidance based on specific horoscopes and astrological concerns.
The LifeGuru team is ready to help you through any issues or questions and is only a call away. We offer services for Horoscopes, Kundli Matching, Marriage Predictions, Numerology, Compatibility, and more with Accurate predictions. We also have Expert Relationship Astrologers who can help with any queries related to marriage or relationships. Our Team is always Happy to Assist You in any way possible. You may reach out to us here.
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