What is the Importance of Star Matching in Hindu Marriage? Nakshatra Matching

Marriage is a sacred bond that binds two individuals for a lifetime of love, companionship, and togetherness. In Vedic astrology, star matching or nakshatra porutham or milan is an age-old tradition and has become a significant and essential pre-requisite for Indian Marriages. Star matching is believed to assess the compatibility of prospective bride and groom.
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Nakshatras – types and importance
Now that we understand the importance of star matching in marriages, let us look into more details, like what Nakshatras are. Nakshatras are lunar houses or constellations in Vedic astrology.
There are 27 nakshatras, which further divide the zodiac into smaller parts called charanas. The 27 nakshatras are divided into 3 charanas, each containing 9 nakshatras. Each nakshatra is unique in its ruling planet, presiding deity, characteristics, personality traits, energies associated, etc
Nakshatras are important when it comes to matchmaking in Indian marriages. Nakshatras provide a good insight into the kind of personality the prospective bride and groom have. It helps astrologers predict the compatibility of the couple, in terms of relationship, marriage, and career, and helps ensure long-term compatibility and well-being.
Nakshatras is also used in determining good muhurtham or muhurath for various auspicious occasions, like marriages, housewarming, etc.
The compatibility of the couple is determined by comparing the Nakshtras based on 8 Kootams, namely: Varna, Vashya, Tara/Dina, Yoni, Graha, Gana, Rashi, and Nadi. Other
Porythams also include Mahendra, Stree-Deergha, etc. Each Kootam has a point allocated to it and the higher the total score on Nakshatra matching, the higher the compatibility of the couple.
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There are a few Nakshatras that are considered auspicious for marriage and certain combinations that are considered very good for marriage. Let us take a look at them. Nakshatras like Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Revati, Uttara Ashada, Uttarabhadrapada are considered most favorable.
Couples with the same nakshatras are also seen to have good compatibility like Ashwini, Kritika, Pushya, Uttarashada, etc.
There are a few nakshatras that are considered inauspicious, which can be easily rectified by remedies. A few nakshatras are Bharani, Swati, Ashlesha, Moola, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, and Poorvabhadrapada.
Some of the most compatible nakshatra matches are Ashwini-Ashwini, Rohini-Mrigashira, Pushya-Anuradha, UttaraPhalguni-Hasta, Swati-Shatabhisha, Revati-Ashwini.
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How do stars/nakshatras affect a marriage?
Couples with high nakshatra compatibility are more likely to have:
Mutual respect and trust for each other,
Greater intimacy and love,
Stronger and longer commitment,
Overcome challenges together.
If nakshatras don’t match perfectly, an expert astrologer can determine important factors and even suggest remedies to mitigate any negative influences.
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Benefits of star matching for a successful marriage
The main benefits of star matching for a successful marriage are as follows:
Longevity of Marriage and Well-Being: the tara Koota or dina Koota assesses the longevity of the couple’s marriage.
Intimacy and Harmony: We can gain insights into the couple’s compatibility. The compatibility increases with a higher score.
Compatibility: Janma Nakshatras of the prospective bride and groom are analyzed. Couples with highly compatible nakshatras are said to have a stronger and more committed relationship.
Overcome Challenges: By star matching, an astrologer can identify potential problems, areas of conflict or disagreement between couples. The heads-up would help couples to be aware of potential issues and work together to overcome them.
Finding Auspicious timing: Muhurtham can be determined by utilizing the nakshatra details.
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Nakshatra matching or star matching remains very relevant in Indian marriages, especially in arranged marriages. It offers valuable insights into a couple’s compatibility and the potential of their marriage. While online tools are available to provide preliminary assessment, it is always best to consult a qualified astrologer for a detailed analysis, speak with Our Qualified Astrologers Now!
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